We all go through things that bring us down in life and things that wear us out and things that make us wanna quit.
And it's not a contest on whose problems are worse because we all have different coping levels... I mean if you are getting completely depressed over your parents not buying you that dress you really wanted then maybe you should be reconsidering you coping level... but I'm talking about things like safety (at home or in public), school, work, food, money etc.
The real stuff that effects our survival.
It may seem hard now to do these things I'm about to say, but they are a few things I have been told in my short life so far that I wanna share with you:
1. The Rubber Band --- This is the ability to bounce back, something may bring you down but it's your choice to let it affect you and you do have the power to ignore it and bounce back, even though it's hard, trust me, practice makes perfect and you'll get through.
2. Moving Forward --- I used to use the term "move on" a lot but then I realised "moving on" isn't necessarily going anywhere. It's like when the traffic light turns from red to green, you've gotten past the red light but then you're not driving through the green light and then eventually another red light will come (and a bunch of angry drivers); it's just dealing with the problem and then that's it... done? Whereas "moving forward" is getting rid of that problem or learning to tolerate it and continuing to build yourself up. Next time you move on, move forward as well so you don't stay in the same place and you can start your new journey.
3. Weights --- Now I'm not talking about exercise (geez, who the hell talks about exercise on a blog), I'm talking about emotional weight and just like any other weight even physically, how do you get rid of it? You work it off, you strengthen yourself to get rid of that weight or be able to carry that weight with no struggling. The key is effort and motivation, I know what your thinking, effort is too hard to do but that's literally what you need to do, have the motivation to get stronger and put the effort in to build up those emotional muscles.
4. T.H.I.N.K --- This is something my mum always has said to me and it stands for 5 things your meant to think about when someone says or does something you don't like:
Is it TRUE
Is it KIND
If it isn't one of these then you shouldn't be listening to it if it's hurting you, mud thrown is ground lost, they won't get anything out of it and neither will you (except a smile on your face... gee, I'm rather lame)
5. Ask for help --- Honestly, no one ever got better by keeping their problems to themselves, I know that I have always done that and I'm only just learning to tell my parents and people who are willing to help, about how I feel. If you trust the person and they want to help you, then ask for the help you need, it's not a bad thing, it's not desperate, it's not whining, it's just simply asking for help from someone. The definition of the word "help" is: make it easier or possible for (someone) to do something by offering them one's services or resources.
It's not a difficult thing to understand, getting help will make it easier, even the dictionary says so.
I think that's enough of my attempted wisdom for today, but in all seriousness, these emotional weights we have to live with there are ways to move forward, to bounce back, to become stronger, think before we react and get help.
It's all about being stronger, building up those emotional muscles and being the winning wrestler.
And remember when life knocks you down... calmly get back up, smile, and very politely say "You hit like a bitch."
The Realist