Stay Gold

Ok so, if you've seen my first post where I tell you a little about myself you would know that The Outsiders is my favourite movie and the book is absolutely fantastic as well (I recommend you watch and read both).

I'm getting a little off topic of what I wanted to talk about.
Besides just wanting to express my love for all the characters and say how Ponyboy is my favourite (it is very hard to choose a favourite since they are all so beautiful).

Anyway... getting off track again (can you tell I ramble a lot?)

There is a poem in the movie that goes like this:
Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold. 
Her early leaf's a flower; 
But only so an hour. 
Then leaf subsides to leaf, 
So Eden sank to grief, 
So dawn goes down to day 
Nothing gold can stay.

(Poem by Robert Frost)

You see the reason I wanted to talk about it is because it really gets to me and I didn't understand why. You see, it means that, just like nothing in nature can stay new and beautiful forever, people can’t either. Everything changes as time goes by. Nature changes and people do the same. In the movie (The Outsiders) Johnny relates it like being a kid, everything is new but when you get older you see the world as what it's really like and things aren't so new and beautiful anymore. 

I think it hit me so hard because I just wanna be kid, I don't wanna grow up. It's sounds lazy to say but everything is really hard and I'm not just talking about working and going to school, I'm talking about it's hard to understand what the world is doing, how it's changing and it's hard not to feel scared of the changing world. It's hard to understand why we are here and what purpose we serve, because we all do, we all serve a purpose, whether it's to teach people, to help the sick, to make people laugh, even if your purpose is to bring negativity into our world, you still are important because it gives us challenges, makes us stronger, wiser and brings us the reality that we need for us to grow as people and become more mature.

I can see that I've gone completely off track from the poem.
I guess it just hits me hard like life does. Being a kid was so easy, I didn't have a worry in the world.
I brought this up because, besides the fact that I watched The Outsiders a few days ago (for the billionth time), I always hear kids and teenagers saying how much they want to grow up, and I don't understand why they would want to, life isn't like the movies, it's real and that's why reality sucks because sometimes it's too hard for us to handle.
People that want to grow up don't realise that their "gold" isn't going to stay because "Nothing gold can stay."

Unless your Ponyboy, he'll always stay gold.

The Realist


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