
Currently I am sitting in bed with tonsillitis typing this post with a golf glove on my left hand, I don't know how I got to this state... well I do suppose I could tell you how I got tonsillitis.

Basically, it was Saturday night and me and my girls were getting ready for a party, the boy cancels his party 3 hours before we had to go and he was scared because people were gonna gate crash it or something (this boy was a bit of an odd one, I'm sure people wouldn't of even been bothered to crash it). So we ended up going out somewhere for a quick dinner and had 4 places to go to then they all cancelled on us too... we end up getting on a bus to, well, we didn't know where, then I get a text saying to come over to a small gathering. Thank god the bus was heading that way, we get off the bus, walk about 10 minutes in the freezing cold weather of Melbourne and then rock up at this house, there are 6 girls right... well there were only 4 boys and 1 girl at his house, he really did mean small gathering... So we get there and I was kinda getting close to this boy that I talk to and what not then I'll skip all the middle part and we're making out right? and look, I've had bad kisses but I'm telling you right now, I couldn't breathe his tongue was so far down my throat, I swear he was suffocating me. By Sunday night I had a bit of a tickle in my throat and on Tuesday I am diagnosed with tonsillitis, thanks buddy!!1!!11!

Whilst I sit here and dwell in my own inflamed and pus covered tonsils I think, maybe if I just said I wasn't in the mood (which I really wasn't) I might have my good health still.


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