
Currently I am sitting in bed with tonsillitis typing this post with a golf glove on my left hand, I don't know how I got to this state... well I do suppose I could tell you how I got tonsillitis.

Basically, it was Saturday night and me and my girls were getting ready for a party, the boy cancels his party 3 hours before we had to go and he was scared because people were gonna gate crash it or something (this boy was a bit of an odd one, I'm sure people wouldn't of even been bothered to crash it). So we ended up going out somewhere for a quick dinner and had 4 places to go to then they all cancelled on us too... we end up getting on a bus to, well, we didn't know where, then I get a text saying to come over to a small gathering. Thank god the bus was heading that way, we get off the bus, walk about 10 minutes in the freezing cold weather of Melbourne and then rock up at this house, there are 6 girls right... well there were only 4 boys and 1 girl at his house, he really did mean small gathering... So we get there and I was kinda getting close to this boy that I talk to and what not then I'll skip all the middle part and we're making out right? and look, I've had bad kisses but I'm telling you right now, I couldn't breathe his tongue was so far down my throat, I swear he was suffocating me. By Sunday night I had a bit of a tickle in my throat and on Tuesday I am diagnosed with tonsillitis, thanks buddy!!1!!11!

Whilst I sit here and dwell in my own inflamed and pus covered tonsils I think, maybe if I just said I wasn't in the mood (which I really wasn't) I might have my good health still.


So uh...  hey guys... been a while...

Now I this feels a little weird considering I haven't written on here since well... I had really bad depression and well I'm quite a bit better, now I'm not saying I'm happy all the time but hey, what kind of human is. So I decided this blog is going to be a mixture of everything, not just inspiration but literally everything you can think of... this should be interesting. Knowing me I'll probably forget to write on here for another 8 months or so (oops) but you all should be grateful for my presence (i joke i joke)

I'll probably just drunk post on here, not check it for 12 months and it'll say something like "was a hella rad night bruh" (yeah i know i'll regret writing that in a week or so)

Anyway, I know my fans are such interactive people with the amount of comments I get (zero) so I just hope you all enjoy my blog and the shit that goes down in my life

You will actually be surprised with how much shit goes down (hint: yesterday, i took my first morning after pill, hows that)

My Adventure

Hi everyone... its been a while indeed, I'm sorry for that but I have had a little adventure, in reality I'm still on this adventure.

This adventure hasn't taken me places, it follows me wherever I go, and this adventure hasn't taken me outside of Australia or outside of Melbourne for that matter, no its a different kinda of adventure.

The name of this adventure is called depression and turns out I have it, pretty goddamn badly.

I understand this blog was meant to be really happy and advice giving and really inspirational (look, it probably wasn't any of these but let me dream)... and now its just been a bit hard to be like that, and that is the reason why I haven't written and I apologise for that but so far into this quite scary adventure I have learnt a few things and I would like to share them with you.

Before when I didn't have depression, I aimed to feel happy all the time, only now have realised that is completely unachievable, no one can be happy all the time and that is simply because the world is an imperfect place and bad things happen in it, so it's impossible to not be unhappy sometimes. I used to think that just feeling 'okay' was bad, like feeling nothing, but now I see it as a break from emotion and a rest from feeling things and I love feeling just 'okay'. So if I am to part some of my philosophical wisdom upon you it would be to feel good about just feeling okay, if anything be happy that you just feel okay because being happy all the time isn't realistic and will only make you sad if you aren't happy.

Another thing I learnt is the power of a good hug. Honestly right now hugs are my best friend, simply because I feel so exposed all the time, but when I get a good hug from someone I feel a little bit better. This is because when you hug someone or someone you love hugs you it releases a hormone called oxytocin, it makes you feel better because it lets your brain release a chemical called dopamine which plays a pretty important part in how we perceive pleasure. Oxytocin does more than make us feel good. It lowers level of stress hormones in the body, reduces blood pressure, improves mood, increases tolerance for pain and can even speed up how fast wounds heal. So hugs are good for you, get lots of them.

One last thing I'll tell you that I learnt is that its important not to tell everyone about yourself. Don't be so open with people and I know everyone tells you to be an open book but there are somethings that you shouldn't share to people. The only reason its good to be an open book sometimes is to gain people's trust but that means that they find out things about you that they can use against you. And lets face it, people are assholes, they get mad or annoyed and will either use what you have told them against you or just stop talking to you in general. Both of which have happened to me, and they both suck. So keep personal stuff to yourself until you completely trust a person. If they stay, they are a true friend of yours, keep them as your friend.

Yeah so I think that's it so far, its been a bit crazy at the moment so I don't know when my next post will be and it won't be as long as this for sure.

If you read all of this I congratulate you, you are honestly an amazing and very talented person haha.

This post is dedicated to anyone who is having a hard time or suffering from any kind of depression, you're in my heart and in many others hearts right now and we are all thinking of you, please don't give up.

Yours Sincerely,
The Realist.


HELP GUYS! I really really need inspiration, I have so much motivation but not enough inspiration, I need topics because I don't want to be even more of a rambling mess... SO if you have a topic or something you want me to mention or advice or my view on something or maybe you just want me to tell you one of my embarrassing stories, it's up to you.

Comment on this post with what you want me to post :)

BTW! Thanks for 100 views guys, I haven't had this blog for long and I know that doesn't sound like many but it really is amazing for me.

The Realist

Emotional Weights

G'day everyone (it's actually night time while I'm writing this so... G'night?),

We all go through things that bring us down in life and things that wear us out and things that make us wanna quit.
And it's not a contest on whose problems are worse because we all have different coping levels... I mean if you are getting completely depressed over your parents not buying you that dress you really wanted then maybe you should be reconsidering you coping level... but I'm talking about things like safety (at home or in public), school, work, food, money etc.
The real stuff that effects our survival.

It may seem hard now to do these things I'm about to say, but they are a few things I have been told in my short life so far that I wanna share with you:

1. The Rubber Band --- This is the ability to bounce back, something may bring you down but it's your choice to let it affect you and you do have the power to ignore it and bounce back, even though it's hard, trust me, practice makes perfect and you'll get through.

2. Moving Forward --- I used to use the term "move on" a lot but then I realised "moving on" isn't necessarily going anywhere. It's like when the traffic light turns from red to green, you've gotten past the red light but then you're not driving through the green light and then eventually another red light will come (and a bunch of angry drivers); it's just dealing with the problem and then that's it... done? Whereas "moving forward" is getting rid of that problem or learning to tolerate it and continuing to build yourself up. Next time you move on, move forward as well so you don't stay in the same place and you can start your new journey.

3. Weights --- Now I'm not talking about exercise (geez, who the hell talks about exercise on a blog), I'm talking about emotional weight and just like any other weight even physically, how do you get rid of it? You work it off, you strengthen yourself to get rid of that weight or be able to carry that weight with no struggling. The key is effort and motivation, I know what your thinking, effort is too hard to do but that's literally what you need to do, have the motivation to get stronger and put the effort in to build up those emotional muscles.

4. T.H.I.N.K --- This is something my mum always has said to me and it stands for 5 things your meant to think about when someone says or does something you don't like:
Is it TRUE
Is it KIND
If it isn't one of these then you shouldn't be listening to it if it's hurting you, mud thrown is ground lost, they won't get anything out of it and neither will you (except a smile on your face... gee, I'm rather lame)

5. Ask for help --- Honestly, no one ever got better by keeping their problems to themselves, I know that I have always done that and I'm only just learning to tell my parents and people who are willing to help, about how I feel. If you trust the person and they want to help you, then ask for the help you need, it's not a bad thing, it's not desperate, it's not whining, it's just simply asking for help from someone. The definition of the word "help" is: make it easier or possible for (someone) to do something by offering them one's services or resources.
It's not a difficult thing to understand, getting help will make it easier, even the dictionary says so.

I think that's enough of my attempted wisdom for today, but in all seriousness, these emotional weights we have to live with there are ways to move forward, to bounce back, to become stronger, think before we react and get help.

It's all about being stronger, building up those emotional muscles and being the winning wrestler.

And remember when life knocks you down... calmly get back up, smile, and very politely say "You hit like a bitch."

The Realist

Taken For Granted

Hi Realists,

We don't all live in the moment and a lot of us take what we have for granted... but why? Because we can? What if you were told that's just not a good enough answer? What would you say? What if the person asking had just lost someone they loved? Or what if this person had barely anything to live off? Would your answer change then?

I may be overwhelming you with all these questions but what if you were the person asking... and you just lost someone or had no personal belongings, nothing... and someone simply answered your question with "because I can." How would you feel?

You see, all these things we have, we take for granted, and yet we continue to ask for more, not even considering how much we already have, kids throw tantrums when they don't get their way, or when they don't get that toy they wanted; in reality teens and adults aren't much better.

For example, you just got into a fight with your brother or sister and mean words were thrown and you guys were completely pissed off at each other, what if that sibling of yours dies the next day from being hit by a car, while you were too busy being pissed at them from your fight the day before. You get a call from your mum or dad telling you that your sibling is dead... you rush to the hospital they are at, you run to the room they are in and all you see is the doctors pulling a cloth over your brother's/sister's head, the last thing you see of them is ghostly pale skin with cuts and grazed dispersed across their face, with absolutely no life in it and a thin line of blood that has trickled down their forehead... How do you feel?
Do you regret fighting? At all?
That's the feeling I'm talking about, that realisation that you have taken people for granted... people that you love.

Another example is to look at everything you have in the room your are in, whether it's a bedroom, living room, family room, bathroom (I don't know...). Do you have a roof over your head? Do you have a floor? Do you have something to sleep on? Yes? There are some people out there that have none of that, there are some people out there that have no clothes to wear, they have to sleep on the ground in the pouring rain and you complain that you want more than you already have? People complain all day, and sometimes it's hard to recognise because it's just a habit but honestly, the majority of people in the world take things for granted, a lot of people have so much and yet complain that they want more? Why? I don't understand? I'm sure I do too, but I know that's something I have to work on and I think we all do.

We have so much and you never know when it'll be gone, it can be taken away from you in an instant. So hold on to what you can because nothing lasts forever or in the terms of The Rolling Stones "you can't always get what you want, you get what you need."

The Realist

I wanted to dedicate this post to Cory Monteith, you are missed dearly.
R.I.P Cory Monteith 

Reality Has A Killer Right Hook

Hi to whoever is reading this,

YOU may be a boy, girl, woman, male or other...
YOU have a part to play in this world
YOU are an individual
YO- ok I'll stop with the 'YOU's" for now, I feel like a biblical preacher trying to push my message (no offence to any religions, or if you are a biblical preacher, I envy your confidence).
What I was trying to get to was, talking about reality, and how you are apart of it.

I wanted to make a post about this because I have been having the same thought lately and it keeps stressing me out, the thought has simply been: what the fuck am I doing with my life?
I have been thinking it over and over and I just can't get it out of my head, and then I realised that we have all been in a fight with reality since we were born...
Think about it, when you are little your parents protect you from reality as much as they can and that's why being a kid is so simple and easy, but when you turn to a teenager you immediately get more freedom and as awesome as it seems, you get more tired and worn out, you may think it's just because life is hard... well yes, it is but you are fighting something you never had to when you were younger... reality.
I have been in a constant fight with reality and I have had little punches from it every now and then but recently I have just gotten a massive right hook from reality and I never saw it coming, I wasn't prepared.
I may sound like a lunatic but think about the kids that don't have their parents support, they end up getting run down quicker and are released into the boxing ring with no idea of how to fight reality.

I have decided that I want to be 1 of 3 things:

  • Psychologist
  • Politician
  • Writer

I want to mostly be a writer, but I feel like that it could be really hard to do, and it's not that I'm too lazy, it's just I don't know if I could handle that kind of pressure and difficulty, I normally pick easy or medium on my video games, this is real life and easy and medium aren't options anymore... I've seen The Shining, I know what happens to writers... I get excited when I think about being any of them, but most excited about writing, I love writing, whether it's crappy blog posts about my boring life or if it's long stories, but reality was beating me down.

People tell me, "just try your hardest and you will succeed!" Yeah well, it's not that easy, it's hard. I reckon doing your best all the time is one of the hardest challenges the human race has to face.

I wanted to make this post ever since I made this blog because after all I am meant to the 'The Realist' and I wouldn't be living up to my name if I wasn't acting like I knew anything about reality...

I guess we just have to soldier on, and stop fighting reality, not surrender but kinda have a mutual agreement with it and it's your life so YOU decide when that happens.
You can ask for help, that's what people mean when they say don't be afraid to ask for help from someone. They can help you fight reality or make that mutual agreement, and even when you think there is no one, there is always someone out there that can help you, YOU just gotta find that person and you can ask reality to help you with that.

The Realist